Use RAD AI to connect feelings and emotion to your marketing content
Use RAD AI to look at performance data per marketing channel and reveal what works and why.
Create and attribute authentic content to the campaign objective and measure the impact on your brand.
Unlock actionable proof points that reveal the best combination of emotion, language and messaging for each customer profile.

How we help
Every CMO has heard the CFO say something to the effect that: “I know we are wasting half our marketing budget; I just don’t know which half.”
By leveraging the RAD AI and Machine Learning, you’ve embarked on a journey to humanize and measure your most important content across a myriad of digital channels. The AI uses your historical data to detect the best form of language need to communicate your message in the most authentic way to possible to each customer profiles. When tested against client benchmarks and normative databases, RAD AI performs 500-1000x better than existing conversion metrics.
RAD AI is the Holy Grail that connects emotion, authenticity and your marketing objective into action that delivers measurable performance.